Peoria Poetry Club

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Celebrating the spoken word!

The Peoria Poetry Club was founded on January 28th, 1941, and the first meeting was held at the Pere Marquette Hotel.  PPC offers glimpses of creative writing through poetry, participating in poetry workshops, and other creative programs presented by poets and others.  Attendees are invited to bring a favorite poem to share, or just come to listen and enjoy readings and recitations by others.

Meeting schedule:
* 11:30 - 12:00 - Meet and greet time - Catch up with friends new and old!  
* 12:00 - Poetry Club Role Call - Anyone is welcome to share a poem!
* 1:00 - Monthly Presentation (TBA)

The Peoria Poetry Club is free to attend and all are welcome!

July Program - Dr. Claire McQuerry

Dr. Claire McQuerry is an Assistant Professor in the English department at Bradley University in Peoria.  She earned herA smiling woman with dark, curly, shoulder-length hair Ph.D. from the University of Missouri, where she held a Creative Writing Fellowship in Poetry.  Dr. McQuerry has MFA in Poetry from Arizona State University and a BA in English and French from Gonzaga University.  She has served as the Contests Editor at The Missouri Review and as International Editor for Hayden’s Ferry Review and has been the recipient of a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in Poetry and a Dorothy Sargent Rosenburg Prize.

A red evening gown.Her poetry collection Lacemakers (Southern Illinois University Press, 2012) won the Crab Orchard First Book Prize and was a finalist for the Washington State Book Award.  Her poems have been published in Tin House, Poetry Northwest, American Literary Review, Western Humanities Review, and other journals. She has published essays in Creative Nonfiction and Oregon Quarterly, one of which was a Best American Essays Notable Essay for 2010.