Peoria Poetry Club

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Celebrating the spoken word!

The Peoria Poetry Club was founded on January 28th, 1941, and the first meeting was held at the Pere Marquette Hotel.  PPC offers glimpses of creative writing through poetry, participating in poetry workshops, and other creative programs presented by poets and others.  Attendees are invited to bring a favorite poem to share, or just come to listen and enjoy readings and recitations by others.

Meeting schedule:
* 11:30 - 12:00 - Meet and greet time - Catch up with friends new and old!  
* 12:00 - Poetry Club Role Call - Anyone is welcome to share a poem!
* 1:00 - Monthly Presentation (TBA)

The Peoria Poetry Club is free to attend and all are welcome!


September Program: Book cover for "Mosey and Me," by Dave Grebner.  Photo image: A small, long-haired dog sits on a person's lap.  The person is wearing a dark shirt and tan slacks, but only their torso and lap are visible.

Mosey and Me,
by Dave Grebner

Poet, author, and Peoria Poetry Club member, Dave Grebner, will present selections from his 2021 book, Mosey and Me, a collection of poems about Dave and his dog.  

A discussion on "The Value of Poetry" will follow Mr. Grebner's presentation.


About Dave Grebner

Dave Grebner is a poet, avid environmentalist, tai chi instructor, and gourmet chef who lives in central Illinois with his new dog.  Among his many joys are travel and learning about other cultures, poetry readings, good novels, good music, many NPR and PBS shows, live theater, classic movies, and cuddling with his dog.  His guilty pleasures include dark chocolate with fine red wine, puns, and being a little silly every day.